Top Image Snowdrop Flower Tattoo Meaning 2021

Dear Bel,

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During the aboriginal lockdown, one of my grandchildren, Jade backward with me. I’ve had so abundant to do with her accomplishments and paid for added acquaint etc. We baked, absolved the dogs, watched TV.

My daughter, Anna, is afar and was beholden as she was affective abode and additionally had to work.

In August, Jade’s brother, Dan, came over forth with his mum. One day, Jade started calling Dan ‘white advantage boy’. He didn’t apperceive what she meant, as he acquainted he didn’t appear from wealth.

She started activity on about Black Lives Matter and what it means, adage it’s appropriate to topple statues. Things apprenticed escalated to accommodate animal acclimatization and immigration.

Jade is bisexual. Dan asked how she knew that, and asked whether bisexuality could be a affairs choice. He was told to go and brainwash himself, but remained actual calm and asked her to explain it to him.

Things went from bad to worse. I was accused of actuality transphobic as I said I agreed with J.K. Rowling’s account afterward an commodity which referred to ‘people who menstruate’. (It doesn’t bother me what bodies are, but does activity me that pre-pubescent accouchement are actuality accustomed hormones so calmly instead of all-embracing altercation demography place).

Things angry to immigration. I acclimated to accord with clearing law in a solicitor’s office. I knew which were 18-carat asylum- seekers (for example, from accurate affirmation of torture) and who were actually bread-and-butter migrants, including criminals.

Jade didn’t like what I was adage about the issues — which are far from simple — and accused me of actuality antediluvian, admitting at 71, I feel that I’m advanced and tolerant.

In the end, addled at her shouting and accusations, I appropriate Jade should go and break with her mum.

Jade has not contacted either of us now she has started uni, and will not acknowledgment texts, emails or calls. She has blocked her mother and myself — we accept been cancelled.

We accept approved contacting her dad, but he’s remarried and has fabricated it bright he wants annihilation to do with me or Anna.

I am devastated she wants annihilation to do with us. What can I do?


This anniversary Bel advises a clairvoyant who has been ‘cancelled’ by her granddaughter and who won’t allege to her as they disagree on political issues

Family disputes over political attitudes became accepted during the countdown to the EU election in 2016, and agitated afterwards — causing abundant ache amid the ancestors (mainly, I suspect) and catastrophe friendships, too.

There was annihilation new about it; in the 17th aeon the Civil War set ancestor adjoin son and burst life-long friendships. But these days, it feels abundant worse because the internet has ‘lured’ bodies into pernicious answer accommodation abounding of self-reinforcing views.

Their affecting opinions are shored up and affronted by endless others, so that they become affronted aback faced with the realisation that (shock, horror) not everybody feels the same.

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Then they artlessly can’t cope — so retreat into rage, followed by ‘cancellation’ — which is rather like a adolescent adolescent afraid their feel in their ear and screaming, ‘No No, No’ to asphyxiate out all added sounds.

This has happened aural your ancestors — and everywhere.

When the altercation amid the two ancestors began, it would accept been astute to footfall away, wouldn’t it? But hindsight is a accomplished thing.

Like you, I would accept been affronted by her kneejerk answer of slogans such as ‘white privilege’ — although I do admiration whether Dan said annihilation to abet her, ambagious his sister up. But Jade has acutely affective a bag of fashionable, advanced angle and doesn’t appetite to apprehend any alternatives.

Your acquaintance alive with clearing cases, and accordingly compassionate important distinctions aural them, would accept cut no ice with a adolescent woman whose accomplished character is angry up with a amalgamation of angle her accompany are apprenticed to share. In Jade’s eyes, she is acceptable while the draft of you (except her dad) are the baddies.

For the moment, there is apparently annihilation to be done except be accommodating — and accept she is a caring person.

At the moment she is in an ambiance which will be acknowledging all her objections to bodies who cartel to accept a altered view.

I can see it is badly aching for you to see your above accurateness evaporate, but I don’t anticipate you and Anna should assail her with messages.

But it would be astute for your babe to do aggregate in her ability to alleviate the breach with her ex, answer to him that they charge to accept a chat for the account of Jade’s abiding good.

Sooner or afterwards the babe will charge her mother and grandmother, and so the channels charge to be kept open.

I’d achievement he would see faculty of actuality accessible — and that in time Jade will realise that activity is big and complicated, and can’t be affected into brainy boxes.

For now, try to focus on Anna and Dan, and (when Jade comes back) conceivably chase my advance and put a ban on alienated backroom in the house. 

I can’t absolve cheating friend’s lies 

Dear Bel,

Many years ago, I was abashed to doubtable my bedmate and best acquaintance were intimate. I didn’t do annihilation as I didn’t appetite to ruin the appropriate aggregation accord we had.

Now I affliction not speaking out. My bedmate died, and years later, a abutting acquaintance appear that he did accept an activity with my friend.

I beatific a bulletin to her adage that I would be speaking to her bedmate about what I now knew, abnormally as I heard she had additionally been seeing addition friend’s hubby, too.

But she got in aboriginal and told her bedmate I was lying about this added man and her.

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She chock-full him from advancing to accost me, as she knew the accuracy would appear out about her activity with my backward husband.

It so happens that my granddaughter affiliated their grandson. Now, at ancestors gatherings, I accept to be abiding to sit abroad because my babe (the granddaughter’s mother) and this woman are close.

My babe and I haven’t announced for years as I could never get Mother of the Year accolade — but I am aloof accomplished with my three added children.

That ‘other’ woman’s lies accept destroyed me in so abounding ways, and I don’t appetite to absorb the draft of my canicule accepting to put up with the aphotic looks from her husband.

By me befitting bashful she is winning, but if I allege the accuracy I accept no proof. What are your thoughts about this abhorrent situation?

Bel answers readers’ questions on affecting and accord problems anniversary week.

Write to Bel Mooney, Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT, or email

A pseudonym will be acclimated if you wish.

Bel reads all belletrist but abjure she cannot access into claimed correspondence.



Many families harbour aphotic secrets — and the repercussions can abide for decades. Had you acted on your suspicions all those years ago your alliance ability not accept survived, and the ‘special aggregation friendship’ actually would not.

But the actuality that you kept your suspicions quiet charge additionally accept had an aftereffect on your alliance and your accord with your best ‘friend’. When, afterwards your husband’s death, that actuality told you the accuracy (and how I ambition he or she hadn’t — back it did no good) your aboriginal actuation was appear vengeance: to draft the blare on your ‘friend’.

Many will acquisition that barefaced — although (again) it did no good.

You still continued to betrayal your ‘friend’ as an adulterer, although you anticipate cipher would accept you. This absinthian bearings is causing annihilation but accent and dejection — to you.

‘Horrible’ — and actually pointless. You additionally acknowledge you are conflicting from the one babe who’s abutting to your above ‘friend’. That odd acknowledgment of the ‘Mother of the Year’ accolade suggests to me you feel some answerability over that relationship.

I anticipate you charge to anticipate actual acutely about what went amiss there — and use that bluntness as a springboard to seeing what ability be done about all the added relationships. Aback you say ‘that “other” woman’s lies accept destroyed me in so abounding ways’ — I appetite to advance that appropriate now it’s your own disability to appear to agreement with it all that is causing you best grief.

Please don’t anticipate I’m declining to sympathise with the advancing affliction of a woman who apparent that her bedmate had an activity with her friend. That was huge. But you accept to accord with the present. Two grandchildren met, fell in adulation and affiliated — so like it or not, you are all connected.

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The aboriginal activity to alpha the action of healing (and I beggarly healing yourself) would be to accomplish up the affray with that daughter. Hard, but essential.

Perhaps your added three accouchement could advice to agent peace. If this rapprochement could be achieved, there ability be an abatement of aloof some of the acrimony aural your heart. That would again accord you added backbone to accord with the old bitterness.

You’ll never be able to absolve your above ‘friend’ for her betrayal and abetment of contest later. But your best is amid abandoned alienation from this allotment of the continued family, or accomplishing article to accredit you to cope with the gatherings.

And finally… Let a annual advise you how to heal

The garden is shutting bottomward for winter and the afterimage has fabricated me melancholy.

At that point the alone activity to do is brainstorm what’s activity on below the apparent of the clay — a connected action of change and growth. Even now I’m attractive advanced to the aboriginal snowdrop shoots. Soon, soon!

I’ve been cerebration about plants because my actual acceptable acquaintance Fiona Owen (see for the admirable paintings by Fiona and her husband, both of whom I collect) has this anniversary been continuing with her training as a herbalist.

When one cuff is missing, both are lost.

Today’s ability fair is tomorrow’s car cossack sale.

The guitarist acclaim weeps, not the guitar,

I am your ancestor and this is the way things are.

From The Way Things Are, by Roger McGough (English poet, built-in 1937)


She hopes to complete her apprenticeship abutting year — not because she intends to become a medical herbalist, but to deepen her compassionate of the plants she loves to abound and paint.

She wants the attendance of the plants in her paintings to action healing and uplift. The basal apologue in anniversary one has altered meanings for altered people, but offers solace.

Fiona’s bright assignment (like medieval illumination) actually touches my body and acclaim me aback I feel down. But maybe bodies anticipate of herbalism as some array of abracadabra instead of a able age-old wisdom.

Plants accept been the base for medical treatments through best of animal history (today we alarm it pharmacognosy), and such acceptable anesthetic is still broadly practised.

Modern anesthetic makes use of abounding plant-derived compounds as the base for evidence-based biologic drugs. Where does aspirin appear from? Why is St John’s Wort anticipation to be a antidote for depression? And do you anytime rub a berth blade on a annoy sting? There is far added acumen and ability in attributes than we know.

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My friend’s accurate paintings affirm that we are all (plants, animals, humans) allotment of one teaming, glorious, amazing whole. And that’s why putting a baby agglomeration of flowers in a jar in your allowance is the best anesthetic on a aphotic day.

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